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  1. Abstinence: I will abstain from any type of mood-altering substances (alcohol, drugs, synthetics, mouthwash with alcohol, over the counter meds etc.). Behavior. I will not engage in any inappropriate or illegal behavior. 

  2. Meetings: I will attend all scheduled house meetings and peer groups weekly. I will also participate in my own recovery by attending 5-7 12-Step meetings (one of which must be a gender specific meeting) and utilize a sponsor. 

  3. Curfew: I will abide my curfew. Curfew is outlined by the Tier you are on unless otherwise set by your house manager/director. 

  4. Medications: I will self- administer my approved and prescribed personal medications. I will not share my prescribed medications. Some over-the-counter medications may not be approved therefore I will speak with My house manager before purchasing. 

  5. Phone Privileges: My Cell phone will be allowed upon entering; however, I will abide by the guidelines outlined by the Tier I am on. 

  6. Confidentiality: My respect for every resident’s anonymity is essential, I will not give out information about any resident, the telephone number nor the house address will not be given out. 

  7. Overnight passes: Pass requests are dependent on the Tier you are on. If eligible for an overnight pass, requests must be turned in to the House Manager 48 hrs. prior to the date of the request and approved. 

  8. Visitation: I will speak to my house manage prior to anyone visiting in advance. I will not let anyone visit me who is under mind altering substances.

  9. Children: My Children are allowed to visit once I have been in the program 15-30 days. I will request visitation 72 hrs. in advance for approval by Staff. Children are allowed to spend the night occasionally if approved by Staff and Community. 

  10. Chore List and Meals: A chore list will be posted weekly. Chores are performed daily before 9 p.m. It is my responsibility to wash my own dishes, clean up after myself, keep my room clean, organized, and do my assigned chore. 

  11. Lost or Stolen Property: I understand Footprints To Recovery is not responsible for lost or stolen property at any time regardless of any circumstances.

  12. Smoking & Fire Hazards: I will follow all smoking and safety regulations. Scarves on lamps, use of candles, burning incense, cigarette smoking, or vaping in house is strictly prohibited. Smoking is allowed in designated places outside of the house only! 

  13. Drug Tests: I will submit to random drug screens. My Refusal to submit to a drug test will be considered an admission of a positive screen. As a resident I can request that another resident be drug tested. 

  14. Emergencies: In an event of an emergency dial 911 and then notify your house director and manager immediately. Footprints is not responsible for any medical bills if you are hurt or require medical attention while at Footprints. 

  15. Program Fees: Upon entering Footprints to Recovery, I have signed an agreement to pay weekly/monthly fees. If I fall more than two weeks behind on fees, I will be moved back to Tier 1 until current and remain current. Being current on program fees means paying for the upcoming week/month. Then and only then will I be moved back to my previous Tier.

  16. Relapse or Dismissals: If I am asked to make other living arrangements or do not return to the house, Staff will make appropriate inventory of my personal belongings for them to be picked up immediately.. Staff will assist in getting me into a treatment facility or a safe place to live if I so desire. You may be eligible to return when you have a clean drug screen (proof will be required). 


Tier 1: Initial level for all residents coming into Footprints to Recovery (FTR) for the first time or returning from a relapse. Tier 1 is typically for 30 days where the staff and residents have an opportunity to evaluate the resident. All residents must adhere to Tier One Rules consistently to transition to the next tier. Completion of Tier One requires that the resident is working a 12-step program with a sponsor and attends meetings as required.

Guidelines: I understand and will commit to the following:

  • •My curfew is 8:00 pm daily. No exceptions.
  • •I will attend meetings during the day unless I go with the house manager or the director to a meeting in the evening.
  • •My Cell phone is allowed during the day, but I will turn it in to the house manager or to the designated point by 8:00 pm daily.
  • •I will obtain a sponsor and begin working the 12-steps of recovery for NA, AA, or CA.

Tier 2: Tier 2 is for residents that have 31-90 days at FTR, are working with a sponsor.

Guidelines: I understand and will commit to to following:

  • •My curfew is 10:00 pm Sunday-Thursday, 11:30 Friday-Saturday.
  • •My cell phone is allowed but I will respect my housemates and will not be disruptive after hours.
  • •1 overnight pass per month < 2 overnight passes total >

Tier 3: Tier 3 is for residents that have 91+ days at FTR, are working with a sponsor, are continually working and are current on all fees.

Gudelines: I understand and will commit to the following:

  • •My curfew is 11:00 pm Sunday-Thursday, 12:30 am Friday-Saturday.
  • •My cell phone is allowed without restrictions, but I will not be disruptive to my housemates.
  • •Weekend passes every other week are allowed.


In addition to the above all tiers are to adhere to the overall Resident guidelines, and any amendments that govern residents at Footprints to Recovery. Any resident can be put back a tier if the house deems appropriate due to the resident’s behavior and/or sobriety. Any resident that is behind in their weekly fees will not transition to next tier until current. Staff reserves the right to bring in a client on any Tier.

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